12'-17' waves coming off the lake last nite ! News coverage out of buffalo had massive waves bringing lake trash over a lake road wall. Wall looked to be 20'+ feet high. Incredible seiche on Lake Erie
A bit warmer here today than it has been. Overnight low was only down to 33ºF. Predicted high today of 51. Not a bad day for the middle of November. It is still riding weather for me.
I finally got around to putting the new door gasket on and cleaning out the stove. I am burning Red Maple for the first fire of the year.
40, cloudy with 20 mph winds. Burning 3 white oak and 1 silver maple splits on nice bed of coals. Turned down the air to get the boring black screen; was pleasantly surprised when the light show started about 45 minutes later. A few pictures. A bit confused about how everyone with a Fireview reads their air setting. Most say .75 is a good setting, but I'm not sure what angle that is from or if it is top of handle, bottom of handle ... I must be the only one who wasn't told the secret. Air setting from different camera angles:
Burning poplar. Never hit 50 deg todag, but the winds sure did. Feels like upper 30's tonights low around 30, will keep pushing the poplar.
Got a nice Maple fire going a little while ago for the night. Should keep the house warm all night. It's been 32 out for a few hours. House is 70, stove is 550.
At these temps y'all are talking about I would have a full box of oak rocking and rolling to keep my 1500 sq foot (area that i heat when real cold)or so warm!! But I dont have insulation!
44 today burned up some chunks and uglies, low tonight 30, loading some ash and maple in the Republic
29 degrees this morning when I got up at my farm here in WV according to porch thermometer. The house was toasty warm, loaded with Oak and Locust last night, and the Buck was still pumping out the heat this morning, just loaded her back up with a little Oak and Cherry!
A little heat to bring the house to 70, a little wind this morning..still above average compared to last year this time.