Neighbor came over while I was splitting and offered me a pretty decent sized load of mixed pallet wood, all for free! Some goes to the firewood pile others will be used as pallets for future stacks! Got a chance to use my new to me truck as well.
I stack firewood on pallets but here in the SE they're only good for one use. ie, when I take the seasoned wood off of them the termites have had their way and they go to the brush pile. I've been thinking of coming up with some type of metal stacking racks. I usually have about 6-8 cords in process plus the half dozen cords in the woodshed behind the house ready to burn.
Nice - I'm running low on pallets here - been finding 2 a week or so - need about 5 more to finish off 15 pallets for this years stacking. Been saving as much PT scraps as possible - want to try adding PT to the bottoms and keep them off the ground - hope this will let them last a lot longer - we'll see! Cheers!
Can you use used motor oil? We do this on my parent's farm to deter bugs, just use an old paint brush or whatever to coat the runs of the wood, might work if you have some used motor oil lying around, or the next time you do an oil change. To be honest only 4 of those pallets are actually going to get used to stack on, the rest are getting cut up for kindling.
The termites around here would probably consider used oil to be like BBQ sauce. They'll even get into treated wood. If you want a structure to last around here, steel or concrete is the material of choice.