La Crete pellet Review thread: == ★★★★★ - La Crete Wood Pellets review..................... | Firewood Hoarders Club Update: my (subjective) test results here echo the test results posted in the La Crete pellet Review thread. (Thanks Guys!) For this (2015-2016) season, buy with confidence - quality is consistent, and excellent.
Over a hour read on this tread. I like the fact of the manufacturers, vendors and us the user's say our point of views. We have to take them any which way, beer, salt or the bat. Let's keep riding this useful tread which I find it useful and hopefully others too
I think the local Home Depot has them in my neck of woods. I should buy a few bags to try Talking about Okies coming to the NE corner, yes they have. Canadian Tire Corp in town has them which is new this year Now to get LaCrete's to compare is on my back of my mind thanks to you folks
I can't imagine going into the BBS and seeing a nice softy from the north. At least we can get em here.