If these pics look like I took a picture of a picture that's because I did. Just for you folks because I know how much you love em! Here's a load of cherry I processed in April this year. It's at a friends house, all the deeres are his, makes it so nice to have that equipment. There are two more standing dead cherries that he said I can have, just gotta find time.
Here's a lot I cleared with a friend. This pile was about 1/8 of what we got. 75% silver maple the rest ash and a lil mulberry, all very straight and easy splitting though. Unfortunately most of this pile was stolen from the site, I despise thieves. You gotta have some set to come in and steal log lengths.
Think this one was ready to come down??? Huge silver maple in my front yard. It was wreaking havoc on my sidewalks and plumbing plus threatening my neighbors house. Got the sewer lateral augered out but I still might end up having to replace it. Borrowed a friends dump for the chips, turned out to be 10 yards of grindings!
It is crazy how people are .. took a so called friend to my honey hole (wood cutting area that i found while hunting) trying to help him out. go up the next week and he has brought others to my spot.. won't be doing that anymore. I know it's public land but...
I have had friends take me with them to their honey hole... always load their truck first and never go back without them. guess it was how i was raised. Maybe i should say acquaintance..
I'm the same way. Whenever I have someone who invites me to get some wood from one of their spots I'm only concerned with letting them take what they want and I get the leftovers. Most of the people I cut with are more than generous though, offering up a fair share of primo wood not just leftovers. My friend who owns the lot was furious when we found all that wood missing. It's in a neighborhood setting and he went door to door asking people if they saw anything all the while keeping a sharp eye on their backyards looking for our wood. Never figured it out. Put up a game cam but no more went missing.
Lots of nice looking cherry on that lot! Excellent choice of beer too! I had to do a double-take though - at first I thought it was a can, and that you had some kind of a beer holder on the 550! Sorry to hear about your logs. Looks like they were visible from the road - if that's a busy area, somebody probably noticed the pile of money you left sitting there. In a location like that, it's probably best to only cut what you can haul that day. Some people seem to think that anything sitting next to the road is "garbage" and they can just help themselves. I ran my push mower out of gas earlier this year, when I was mowing the shoulder. I left it there for 5 minutes to grab my gas can from the garage. As I was heading back, I noticed a pickup truck turn around in my neighbor's driveway, and they seemed to be pulling up next to my mower. My walk turned to a sprint, and when they saw me coming back with the gas can, they took off. Anyway I don't leave anything sitting by the road anymore.