40 on my back porch. Ash heating up the boiler. Looks like we could have a mix of sun, clouds, rain today.
Caved in and lit off the OWB yesterday evening. Haven't looked outside yet this morning, but we are supposed to have snow from last night and throughout the day today. If we get it, it won't last as it will be warming into the low 50's for a couple days
50 out today burning some pine, low tonight 28, not that cold but I'm going to try out some of my Hickory with some ash
Upper 30's overnight, house this morning got down to 63, so I decided on feeding the stove a fiber breakfast of poplar, hard maple, with a hint of hickory!
I think I will start more fires now especially at night, the day temps will hit 60's this week but nights get cooler
25 this morning. Screwed up and fell asleep to early didn't stoke the stove last night woke to a chilly 62 in the house stove up and running. Burning lodge pole with a couple oak pallet scraps. Will be cozy in a couple hrs. Might need an extra blanket..
For me it was cozy. Wife not so much. My room was in a basement as a kid. Love extra blankets something about the extra weight..
Yup, brings back memories of my childhood wake ups in the mornings. The floor was so cold that you hated to put your bare feet onto it getting out of bed. damm you, linoleum.
Yep had concrete with just a few rugs.. Until we finally had carpet.. House is sitting at 79 in the main room 70 through out. Lots of log pole today. Wife is happy and I'm in short pants...
Stopped by my bro's yesterday and let him know that I had fired up the OWB. He turned around, gazed into the cloudless sunny warm sky and replied "thank you". Highs of low 40's on thu with a bit of snow for fri and then highs back into the low 40's. maybe I'll let the fire go out........