Waiting for some daylight LOL Almost daylight, gonna head out soon. 8 hrs now, Windy & warm now. 38°.
FYI, I thought a "Face Cord" was what was used to pull down the face on all those older Hollywood jokers that can no longer talk due to so much facial surgery..... ??? Surrounding my house! I have to small sheds (1 cord in 1, 3/4 cord in the other, then I have 4 racks with just under a cord in each, the rest is stacked in 2 deep rows, 12 to 16; long x 20" splits surrounding the property. Then of course I have a 2 cord in my neighbors yard (he said it was ok!) The rest of the neighbors think I'm nuts! I might be BUT, I have 5 to 7 years worth of CSS wood right now, and I'm saving between $3k and $5k a year in oil! So I will be the last person laughing!!!!
3 Cords-Cut Split and Stacked. Pretty good as I installed my wood stove in late September. Let's see how this first year goes!
Welcome Colosplit! Got a moisture meter yet, first year and all.... Start a thread showing yer set up...? Glad you're here!
Hello all, I will write a more detailed introduction post tomorrow after a good nights rest, I am beat after a long day at work then some more splitting. I bought a Quadrafire Millennium for my 2,600sf house (way too big for me). Just getting the basics down but it's 30-some degrees here at night and I haven't had to turn the propane on yet! I grew up in mid-town Manhattan so I have pretty much no expierence becides what I have been reading on here over the last month. but boy have I been taking off work early a lot to go get a load from the yard. I haven't bought a moisture meter yet but I will tomorrow when I run to the coop, thanks! Please ignore the lazy dog who pushed his bed closer to the stove. What I accomplished after work this week, day light savings time put a damper on production
Colosplit, seems to me you've made the transition from city life to a more countryfied life pretty smoothly. I see your flue has an "increaser" right at the stove going into 8" pipe. Same thing our original setup had. How's that burning for you? Keep getting that firewood. I hear it gets chilly out there. Great pics, by the way.
As a followup, I'd consider at the least, moving that increaser to the ceiling, and replacing the pipe below with 6". Fairly inexpensive if you stay with single wall. Should help your draft.
Add me for 171 cord under roof at the moment. Filled the boiler house to the top of the cathedral trusses this Spring. !8 1/2 in there and its's a 20' X 20' Building! Stairstep stacking but it's inside at least. 33 cord in this barn Got 78 cord in this shed but it's an old pic. Wind has killed it and is now resting on the pile. Still covered but we won't have this storage when we empty it out. With all the standing dead ash around here I'm cutting it up and burning it before working on the covered stuff.
Oh.... My...... Word.... 171 cord Dang, I bet that makes a bunch of us feel that our stacks are small... But hey, that is totally fweakin awesome, Kevin in Ohio I know 99% of us with way less that are still pleased to have what we got. Just incredible, man!
With the ash mostly gone around here there are 10's of thousands of cords that will just simply rot up. Some woodlines are just total dead stands with no other trees mixed in. Dead all summer and is so sad to see. I have people calling wanting me to take the stuff but I'm full. Stacking it outside for me is just isn't in the cards. Prices are way down too. I don't sell but $100.00/cord is the norm that I've seen. Wood along the roads and in peoples lawns whoi have no use for it. Dang bugs! Why couldn't it have been Multiflora rose blight or honeysuckle bore!
!!! Wholly Split !!! 1777.25 + 171 = Are you ready ??? !! 1948.25 51.75 more & we'l be at 2,000 Unbelievable
2 cord! If I could stay off of the computer maybe I could have more! Sorry for bringing the average down but somebody had to do it! Gary