Its just too hot to hunt, so I scouted, hung a camera and took advantage of the day Locust, cherry and ASH!
I just had them laying around and brain-stormed a bit-stacked to 5' this rig will hold 2 cords-I just wish those concrete things were longer so I could have stacked two deep-I have some more as you see on the hill-gonna rig another late winter or spring and place them on railroad ties and do double row
The rails are looking awesome filled up. Honda quad and chevy pickup working like rented mules I hope that cinder block in the middle holds up - they aren't real strong on that axis just an FYI
Nice work. Great stacks. I usually see more Elk and deer when cutting and gathering firewood than when the season opens..great use of your day
Yea for sure WaddleRemodel I've joked I've cut so much wood on my farm that the deer dont fear me and I may just use the 018 for a grunt call--And basod thx for the heads up, the rails shouldnt give too much I hope-I may find some other supports to place right or left of the cinder block just to be certain
I wouldn't imagine the rails giving too bad it would suck to have one half of the block crack under load and the whole pile shift - all that work and beauty gone
basod Unfortunately I see he knows of what he speaks---got it righted yet? Thats some beautiful wood sir
And fyi WVhunter found some big rubs and some scrapes today so its getting time-weather breaks this weekend a bit
81? That's insane! It didn't feel like we neared 70 under drizzly crap all day here.... Good wood gettin, the rails look gooder, fix your blocking like basod said, and if you have an odd length of rail, could you sort of cantilever with them concrete thingies? If they're approx 3 feet long, and you lay a 36-40" piece of cut off rail along the concrete's "length" then laid 3 or four rails the way you got them now, I would think the C T's would support a little overhang. That make sense? Course you'd have to CUT one of those rails... into SEVERAL pieces
Thanks for the advice but I dont have the means to cut them and I'll just place a stack of bricks on each side of the block-those rails sway/bend L and R but not up or down so much...we'll see I guess-when I make the next rig I'll have the ties at more frequent intervals-appreciate ya Eric VW