Thanks guys. I was pretty sure on cherry just different than I've seen. Most cherry I've cut looks like the cherry in the third pic down that I posted, red all the way through, not just the heartwood. Might be a different species or just because it was a young tree?
Welcome to the hood---Some real nice peeps here who know a thing or two---you'll fit right in I'm sure
Welcome to the FHC Family. Greatest bunch of guys and gals on here. Nice pics. Ask any questions and you'll get some good advice from the family. .
I was going to say almost the same thing.....I think that is an old apple or pear tree. I have seen some cherry that looks close to that but it just doesn't look quite right for cherry. Welcome aboard Kevin, glad to have you hangin' round these parts
Glad you're here Kevin, I just split some old apple Friday and the wood looks exactly like what I was into, Cherry isn't that bright red.
You've got some apple there......sit that aside for cooking fires, the flavor it gives is outta this world!
I will split that a little smaller and put it aside for when I finally get around to building a stick burner. Have a masterbuilt electric now, works pretty good but have been wanting to build a proper smoker for years.
Welcome to the forum g60gti. Looks like you fit right in with the rest of the clan on this forum. I also agree that you found yourself some nice apple wood. However, I can also see why many thought it was cherry. As I've stated many times, giving a positive id on pictures can be very tricky. Shoot, I remember one time on another forum being cut down for telling a fellow he had popple rather than beech. Seems I was the only one to properly id it. He never came back on the forum but later in private conversations he admitted that I was correct and was sorry he got that wood. Funny part was that one particular fellow said that beech is all they have around where he lives and he was absolutely sure it was beech. But, I've been wrong too so tis all well.
Kevin, welcome to FHC a great place with a lot of knowledge. Noticed the barbed wire on your fence a good way to keep the thieves off your property.
That fence was there when I moved in and I always wondered about it. I live in a small safe village, no need for barbed wire. Only thing I can think of is some epic fued between neighbors years ago. Who knows. Did I place my sacred stacks there on purpose though? And I won't get butthurt if someone ids some wood incorrectly. Just curious that's all, it all goes in the stove. Just like to know what's in my stacks, its a pride thing I guess. "I have 9 species in my stacks, how many you got?", type of thing.
Hi Kevin, welcome to the club! Looks like you're off to a good start! Covered all the bases with those pics! Are you in Western NY? There's not a lot of members from around here, compared to some other places. Which surprises me, cause we have an abundance of beautiful trees and people who heat with them. Anyway welcome aboard!