I'm at I think it's 18 cords stack and covered. Plus more more that needs to be handled. I love the feeling of a fire starting off and not having to work at it. Each year it's kept getting easier and easier.
18 css, 3 in rounds ... splitting starts tomorrow; trying to get everything split and stacked and a final cord count before I call to order a load of tree service rounds
50-100 cords of mostly spruce and maple that tree services have brought in. Hard to estimate as its in a heap. Old man burns most of the tree service drop offs in his OWB. I'll sell some occasionally when the heap gets too big. Had 10 triaxel loads of rounds hauled in 1-2 years ago. Waiting on the splitter I'm building. Guessing 50 cords there. Will prolly sell most of this. The short rounds I'll sort out and split for my shoulder wood. 14-15" splits are ideal for the 18-TR. 2.5 cord in shed and 7+ under tarp just outside of shed. About 15-20 in a heap down back that gets tapped into to resupply the shed every spring. Around 15 cord a day on deck for sale when our crews are working bawlzout . Weather permitting.
I have a about 3 1/3 cord under the deck for this winter and another 10ish drying for the the next 3+ years! 13 for me and hoping to add more in the next couple months.
About 25 c/s/s. Definitely my high water mark. Better half has issued a memo that it's time to take a break, or else.
Have not yet received that memo, but was thinking this morning that 24 cord is a good stopping point for me. I can't just keep going ... can I?
I hardly fit into this group as I only managed to add one cord to my shed this year, and probably won't get a chance to be adding any more, but I did have a full woodshed compliment of ready to burn wood in the order of 5 cords. Mind you that amount reduces with every day and every fire, I've already managed to burn a third of a cord in the last few weeks. So to be accurate you can only add 4 and 2/3rds cords to your total from me. Oh the shame
1131.3 not counting "JustWood" Will add 100 for him his high estimate 1231.3 total (so far) :stacke::stacke::stacke::stacke: Betting now we have near 2,000.