I have fuel getting into the cylinder...and spark....and compression. ..but she still won't even pop. What next?
You probably know more than I do... but FAST - fuel air spark & timing - did your key get sheared? Check the exhaust for carbon buildup... swap plugs.
Swapped plugs from the trimmer and same thing. I didn't check the key but I suppose anything is possible.
Canuit valve is probably chooched behind the muffler bearing. See if the capacitance of the blinker fluid has been altered off its factory spec and check for termites in the backplane.
Getting fuel and having enough fuel are two different things. How old is the unit? Fuel line is a likely culprit? Carb clean would be on the short list of things to do as well. Have you tried to prime the carb with fuel?
When I have a small engine that refuses to pop I usually put a little starting ether in via the air intake. If that doesn't pop then there is a real problem. The ether usually runs rough for a few seconds and loosens up whatever the problem was. KaptJaq
Then it should fire at some point. I would say you either have a VERY plugged exhaust or inadequate spark. Compression was verified with a gauge?
Exhaust is fine. I didn't test with a gauge but it feels the same as it always has. How do you know if your spark is strong enough? Never had a weak spark issue.....but I've heard of them.
Without a gap tester, I'd check the air gap from the flywheel to the coil and remove the kill wire to eliminate any switch or grounding issues.