I swear mine was better? I doubt I would of done so well in college if it was like this..maybe so? I can't remember!! Ha!
42 this morning here. Damp. Ash going in the boiler. Storm blew through while we were all sleeping. Woke me up at one point. Had a decent amount of rain last night.
I know weird right im from gettysburg p.a its cloudy 56 here now im gettin ready to get some wood so hope rain holds off lol post some pics later have a good day everyone
Woke up to 31 outside and 60 inside this morning, but a load of some recently procured dead standing Aspen mixed with some Apple and Cherry uglies is taking the chill off nicely. Burning season has been off to a slow start around here, but I have a feeling it's going to arrive with some force when it does. Even though I had plenty of wood to get me through the winter I've put away another cord of fully dried wood between dead standing Aspen and Lodgepole. Mostly Lodgepole, but the Aspens were all in my yard and had been dead standing long enough to be completely barkless. Dry as bone, and great for mixing with my less than optimally seasoned fruitwood uglies to put off getting into my primo wood until I need it.
House was 73 last night mostly. Only down In the 50s last night. Out 2 splits in last night about 11 and still had about 1/3 wood left this mourn house still 71
Well it is cooling down here. 37* last night so need a quick fire to take the chill off the air. No snow yet.
35, no fire. As soon as I get the gas bill, I'll light the OWB full time, I bet! Apart from just a couple fires in the el dorado in the basement on the worst days, we have had a very mild October. Dry also which makes for those extra trips into the woods for scrounging!