ok I'm aware you guys are pro's so I'm sure this will be easy. I just added a bunch of this stuff to my stacks and it gave me a warm fuzzy. I'd feel funny saying that about firewood anywhere but here.....shhh don't tell.
Shagbark Hickory and Osage Orange... Thats quite the combo there MissouriFrontier .... Ought to keep you warm on them cold winter nights....if it doesn't then theres a issue somewhere...
That's what it looks like to me. I've never burned hedge, but I see a lot of it on FHC. Now shag, yeah, I burn a lot of that. Good stuff.
Look at all the Missouri and Iowa boys getting it spot on. Why does that not surprise me! Lol good job all you guys re regular wood detectives!
My BK loves that hedge. I play firebox jenga trying to get as much in there as possible. Keeps us so warm we run around in our underware prank calling our propane burning neighbors. I love listening to their teeth chatter and their bank accounts shrink. My wife says I'm a sadist. Mmmm maybe so
Guess I should have put that in the signature. It's the Princess. This was right after the completion of the install. Lots of dust from the rock wall
Pics of my wife and I running round the house in underwear? Well ok I'll get some up. I didn't realize it was "that kind" of forum
Ok. The wife officially said no to the underwear pics(don't know what her problem is? The prude) the best I can do I my lumberjack monthly centerfold!