Hey Shawn Curry I see the Stihl pickaroon is on the job---Has it become an extension of your arm yet? I cant walk around the yard without it
That's much better than me yesterday. I had several beers yesterday, and about 9pm I used a sawzall to cut a long piece of oak into 2 nice firewood sized chunks.. That was tough oak, it took me a couple beers and 2 charged 18 v rigid batteries. So I made 2 pieces of firewood at my buddy's house.
Nice work Certified! How do you like all this rain...? 2 cords split AND stacked is a lot of work with this heat and humidity. Saturday was nice though... I got a whole half a face cord done Saturday and I was soaked....
Split enough to fill in the stack I was working on on Saturday. Ready for top cover and is right around 2.3 cords.
After I split and stacked the above fill in I went ahead and started splitting on the next stack. I Now have this pile to deal with.
I saw two chairs, but one heck of a lot of chicken on the grill. How many are you feeding with all that?
I am in panic mode every nice day I get to get it split stacked and covered. Some of that wood has been there 4-5 months but is already starting to rot from all the rain even with it being stacked on pallets. This has been one tropical summer so far!! True story my friends deck which is pressure treated and in good shape had mushrooms growing out of some of the boards because of all the rain and no sun.
I believe it, one of the first years I started burning I had tons of oak in a pile waiting to be split, back then I didn't have a splitter so did it was a fiskars and it rained a lot that summer, had mushrooms of all colors growing out of the oak. This year has been dry, even when we get t-storms they seem to miss my area which is fine with me, good drying for the wood.
Yes indeed. It makes an excellent fire poker and hot grill grate mover too. My parents, my sisters family, with their 4 kids, and each one of them had a friend along. We went camping at the lake at 30 Mile Point Lighthouse campgrounds and celebrated my niece's first birthday.
Yeah it has not been dry here at all. Yesterday was the first 24 hour period without torrential downpours in a good 6 weeks. I was hoping to work more tonight and Saturday before the rain rolls in on Saturday afternoon however when I got up this morning they have already changed the forecast and it is going to start around 8PM tonight and then rain until Monday.
Wow it was hot out there tonight!!! 88 degrees and 87% humidity. In spite of the heat I managed to stack the small pile from last night and then got the splitter back out. I ended up getting the whole left hand row of rounds split and stacked before it started sprinkling. All said and done it is 1.4 cords. Also managed to get it top covered.
The row I was splitting out of had some wood that was questionable when I originally cut it but with the summer we have had it pretty well destroyed it. Here is the pile of punky stuff I had from this evening. O well it will burn on the bonfire.
That's just one reason I love this site! Motivation I just won't do any wood processing when it's hot.
Was going to split more today but I could tell my back was pretty annoyed after 3 fairly long splitting sessions this week so I decided not to aggravate it and cleaned up all the junk left from splitting.
Then I moved all the stuff with some punk over to the bonfire pallet, burned some junk wood and bark, mowed, weedeated, and reditched the drive way that was washing out.