Chain Saws dont have blades I know what you mean just bustin ya. It helps to not be running but a sharp chain will still cut you to the bone if you fall on it right. I turn the "blade" toward the back when I walk so that if I fall I drop it by my side and the bar is in the back as I put my hands out in front to catch myself.
The pellet heads are the ones that always use and refer to the frying pan, so imacman found a good one for Grizzly Adam to add to the site. Some of them are even named after the member that wanted it. Such as is : dex : (no spaces if you want the smiley
Success!!! The huge smiley face I guess is cause I saved your name in my phone(and apparently a colon and capital D is that one?) dictionary, cause it kept auto correcting it to "sex" when I typed it or some other random word if I had some screwed up or extra letters!!