If you want it tell him you will bring him $150. Watch some w videos on youtube of those. There capable but quirky. Like depending on wood length and species you might have to split from both ends. Many are "two handed" meaning you have to hit a safety button and then the switch to make it go. This is so that you cant have your hand in the way and crush it. People have modified this or by passed it. Some talk about pitting a block of 6x6 in there so they dont have to wait on the whole stroke. And there slow. Like I said they work and many have them even here and use them. I came close to buying one but the slow speed turned me off. Just be sure you will be happy and do your research on them before buying it. Good luck.
Here is the flow of the email exchanges. Him: Make me an offer. This splitter is in excellent condition, always stored inside. Me: How about $130.00? I am interested in this wood splitter; I am not trying to waste your time. Him: I already have a better offer but I'll wait. Thanks. Me: OK, well, How much off of the $175 are you willing to come? I went low on purpose. I was thinking around $150 to $155. Him: You can have it for $160.00. Please let me know soon so I can let the other parties know. Thanks. Then of course there is the cost of me driving down and picking it up. That will probably be around $15.00 in fuel costs on my sister's truck if it will fit as she has a cover on her truck. Of course it is mine if I buy it and find out it is not suitable. Maybe I am worrying too much about splitting the wood. After all, I can always cut tough wood shorter to help with splitting. If one has to let the cylinder fully retract each time, then yes, that is going to be slow going. I need to do some homework on this first.
It will easily fit in a truck with a cover. It will fit in a car trunk too if its a moderate size. I think it will fit on the backseat of any size car as well.
I have been watching videos. Not sure now about a small 5 ton splitter. They seem fine on straight grain wood but don't have the power for anything tough. The 7 ton electric seem to be better so maybe if I do decide to get one I will look for a 7 ton over the smaller 5 ton.
Any thoughts of getting all of your wood cut into splitting length, then on one of the weekends your friend is there to help you, rent a commercial splitter?
I am not so sure about this; It is not local to me, so the cost of driving down and back is part of the price. It is used; so a pig in a poke.
$160 is a fair price for that splitter used one season the lowest price I have ever seen around here on a 5 ton was $125,, that was 4 years old. If it's a very long drive it might not be worth it though, with some help and a tie down you can put one in a trunk easily
Yea $160 is a good price. But I am thinking if she really doesnt think it will work you want something you can easily get your money back from.
one thing though you can tell that's for sure, is you can tell it has been used very very little, none of the paint is wore off
When money is tight, it is hard to know what to do. I probably will need something to help me split wood because I don't have the strength. I might not need it now but I will need something eventually.
He agreed to sell it for $155.00 Since the guys here helped to get me a saw that did free up some money for the splitter so I think I will get it to help with the firewood. If it isn't what I think I am sure I could sell it and get part of my money back.
Yes, it did make it and my friend is going to look at the idle issue today. Hopefully it will soon be in my hands . This saw will be a good addition for doing the smaller stuff. Thanks so much for gifting it to me.
My friend worked on the saw today, overhauled the carb or something like that and he told me that the saw is running great and that it is a really nice saw. Thank you again for gifting the saw to me.