Stihl MS441 M-Tronic West Coast "R" version. Like new, about 10 tanks through it. Doesn't have west coast 3/4 wrap because I hate them and traded it for a standard wrap. It's a genuine "R", has all the other goodies (dual spikes, roller catcher, extended clutch cover, HO oiler). I run 40:1 Stihl Ultra and ethanol free 92. $800 PHO. Reason for sell is I've had this saw for a year and a half and just don't use it. I prefer my MS440's. I can get more pics up later today.
Perfect saw and perfect price , you know here in europe the same saw but without the extras like stronger AV, double spikes, roller catcher, 3/4 wrap, and HO oiler, cost from 1100 to 1300 euros. Yeah the stihl have all theese but better dont tell you how much for put them on the saw extra.
I talked to him via PM. Mike had mentioned I was selling one (thanks Mike!), but he wants a ported saw.