the very touchy subject of global climate change and changes in FF(fossil fuel) to RE(renewable energy) is very important to us all, no matter where you sit on the question. climate change is happening and affects energy. the question that can't really be answered in this persons mind is, natural vs. manmade? the dog fight between both sides is a nasty one that requires a lot of reading. john depodesta runs a web site called" think progress" which I read on occasions , most specifically their green section.(please don't draw politics into the subject) a recent headline caught my attention," IT TOOK ONLY FOUR MONTHS TO ACHIEVE A JAW DROPPING REDUCTION IN CARBON EMISSIONS". had to read it. so should anyone interested in the subject. the most important point in the article is in paragraph six.(please keep in mind the headline). I really probably shouldn't be posting this. BUT, I've got put it up for your reading. I'm not posting it for discussion, only for info purposes. maybe we can discuss if this is good journalism
So China's industrial output falls and their CO2 emissions go down. It's not rocket science. When industrial output falls many people get hurt and start to rebel. China will do whatever it takes to correct this unfortunate problem.
Just a thought... Ever since the volcanos have started to erupt down in South America we've been in a major wet cycle here.... The weather pattern has changed....even California has gotten rain and most of Texas is out of its drought that it in for the last 4 or 5 years....
The population of this planet is jaw dropping enough. I'm happy to be living in this time and this place. No offense to Asian countries but they are over running themselves. I would hate to see what populations will be like in 50 years. Despite me talking about that, it's part of the problem. Large populations eat up resources and force the issue of global warming to a certain degree.
bastardi has interesting take on those areas you mention. a neutral to el nino pattern is part of the pattern change. he opined that tx. drought would ease and great growing conditions in the plains east.(record crops for a lot of stuff) el nino he points out can and usually brings a lot of rain to calif. when this el nino shifts to neutral to la nina changes will reverse back to dry tx included. he is also kind of hinting that the coming winter will be another doozy? he uses a lot of history of analog years to come out with these forecasts. yesterday he talked of the el nino as coming up short as compared to the models. the models are off the charts, he leans to the lower side. the models have been predicting strong el nino conditions for the last two to three years, time will tell. he also thinks the la nina that will follow will probably be strong as well.
I used to work for a company that made epa compliancy emissions equipment for manufacturing, called regenerative thermal oxidizers. RTO's for short. Which clean the air by burning the volatile organic compounds out of process air. That company had people go to China as there was a severe need for environmental change there. For years factories just spewed the crap into the air and water, as they didn't care about the fallout from that behavior. Well, they had many sales to China. Here in the us, these rto's are at all plants, even if the emissions are not harmful, but even smelly.
Yep, ain't enough to change anything for now but Texas was saying the same thing a couple of years ago too. Just like the southeast US was about 8 years ago too. Droughts comes and goes just like excessive rains. We just have to thank God when it does come and cause he's got a plan greater than any man came think.
Both man & nature made . Out planet is dynamic, always changes. Some species go extinct, other evolve to survive un the new conditions. If humans go extinct, MN don't care. We're the species on the planet that live where we need fires to stay warm, or AC to stay cool or move water to irrigate & crap indoors. We burn fossil fuel to do things faster. Sure can't blame the bears & frogs Like the oil companies say, "Earth first, we'll drill the other planets later." Later is getting closer, time for volunteers to go for a ride toward other planets, who want to go ? For sure, humans need to take better care of Mother Earth, but we're too greedy, let someone else do it. + we are overpopulating the place too. Woe is us if we count on the deserts in CA to supply us our food When we farm the desert & the underground aquifers are pumped dry, we call it "a drought " The planet isn't good enough for us now , we manipulate it it, change the chemistry & natural evolution & call it progress. Yet when it changes & the effects are negative we "cry wolf" Greedy, overpopulating Humans ;;;; AAArg. Gotta be more intelligent life out there. When we find it, or they find us, maybe they will make us their pets to lay by the stove spay & neuter
bogydave I say to my wife all the time. " our dogs sure live the good life. I'd love to be treated like our dogs "
I've often wondered if the US should force companies that relocate overseas where environmental protection is almost non-existent to meet our high standard in those overseas factories. That would be a big incentive to stay here and the total pollution globally would be less. China has to do something about their pollution, those pictures of Beijing in a toxic cloud are terrible. They will eventually, just like we did here and London did.
The Earths climate has been changing since....well from the beginning...and the Earths climate will continue to change...well till it ends...i dont need some politican to tell me that iffn i dig jus a lilllll deeper..they can slow the rise of the ocean
Your totally right, the ice is going to melt and the oceans will rise. And maybe in another 2,000 yrs we will have the beginnings of another ice age...just dunno.