good model? without the X designation...hope they didn't go a change a good thing trying to make it better and screw it up
There was a comparison thread between the old SS and the X series on the "other" site. Other than the longer handles (the original SS I have is 28inch), the X series has a broader head with a shallower V-taper than the old SS. I beleive the X series head is also lighter. If this is a "new" SS maybe they took the longer handle and mounted the old head on it??
Update - I found it here If somebody buys this new SS tell me if the head looks more like the X or old SS.
As far as I know, the only difference between the orange handled axes and the black handled ones is the grip. My x27 has the older orange handle, and my fiskars hatchet has the black grip. Not really much of a difference to me when in use. Black handle looks cooler though
Took a few swings last night at some big rounds sitting on the ground, and wow. I had the big rounds diced up faster than I could have carried them over to the hydro! I think this thing might see a lot of use! Pics to come.
Yeah I like the black handle on my hatchet. Got the orange on my x27 though. Not much difference if you ask me. Seems like the black one would cost more to produce with the designs and whatnot..
It's the old x27 with updated colors and different handle texturing by the palm swell. The head is the same as the x27.
I read that the all-black handled line is being discontinued and they will go back to the X series going forward.