Great Haul! Hopefully you get around and at it a bit tomorrow.... For tonight you deserved a few ....
Beers are good, but seriously, take a couple ibuprofen. I'm only a couple years older than you and I saw good results from taking preventative ibuprofen if you want to be able to do more than couch surf tomorrow.
Nice loads. Get what you can, I won't even tease you about getting it split ...... Yet anyway ....... LOL Looking good
Looks like a good day was had by all.....and Bogy missed a good opportunity to throw out his famous line on your buddy's load...
drvn Ever see the pile of rounds behind the antrim township building? I've not had a chance to stop and ask for some but it's a big ole pile of rounds. They close before I drive by.
LOL, me too, Looks like some mulberry. I had seen a splitter in there a few months back and was quite sad. But there is still a HUGE pile...I need to schedule a few hours off work and stop by, or call ...
Can you take wood from there? Like you just need permission? We've got nothing like that here. Our township won't take woody brush or logs. They just take grass and leaves, you know, the stuff people use for composting. They will pick up branches, left curbside if you call them, then they charge $65 a half hour, and $1.50 a minute for anything over 30 minutes. BS.
Have done lots of Hackberry Hard to split, and once dry burns as fast as dry maple. Given the size, I would grab everything but the hackberry first, and circle back to it. And like other have said, something that big could maybe be pushed aside. If it's that big, and green, he will need a flamethrower to get it burned up and would likely appreciate your help to get it out of there
Well I split some locust today and went back to cut some big locust rounds. I have a sugar maple yard tree coming and my cutting buddy that had the load in the picture is having 6 big oaks dropped and this is all in the next month. I rode the perimeter of the field today and on the backside there's a nice big black birch that I wanna grab. Hopefully it's still there next Saturday. I wanted to snag it today but the wife and I had lunch plans. One thing about the locust... Some of the smaller rounds were punky in the middle.. I thought that stuff didn't do that? Only a couple but one of my pics will be a closeup..
Yeah I split a few and they're tough. I'm done over there unless I can snag the one big black birch. I know I have some sugar maple and red oak coming my way by memorial day so I'm done with the Hackberry.
Have you ever noticed the stacks just after mason Dixon road? You can see them from 11 too but the better view is from 81. It's like a work of art.
Black locust always seems did get some spots like that in it, never hurts a thing, still like burning coal....wake in the morning and have to bust it up like a big hunk of coal.
Put the camera down! Pick the saw up! We all promise to be patient for the pics at the end of the job! Nice score from a thoughtful person.
Drvn4wood I've had punky centers in Black Locust before as well, but haven't seen any with that coloration of wood... did you find and nails, wire or other foreign objects near the punky area in that log? Shawn Curry, Chvymn99 and Backwoods Savage great tips on how to tackle cutting trees with the root ball still attached, thankfully I only have one Ash with the root ball still attached to deal with, so will be taking your advice in to consideration when the ground dries out so I can get to it. My silly father-in-law left it lay in the one wet spot I have on the whole farm, can't complain about "free" excavator work though.... well not to much anyway!