Good info. I've used their "truckers hitch" for over 3 decades. I like using rope for binding loads much better than ratchet straps. Their "surgeon's loop" is the closest to the knot I use in the photo... although they send the loop thru twice instead of once. Have no idea why.
I was looking to learn some more knots for some things last summer , anyway I installed a couple apps on my phone . If ya have CRS like me you can review a knot or find one for the job , right on the job . Both very good apps, but I like Knots 3D, bestist,, untie and rotate 101 knots with your finger in 3D and Pro-Knots,
For some people the hardest knot they ever take time to learn is tying their shoes. It's complicated and I prefer a square knot anyways. Who needs big rabbit ears
Takes a little getting used to, but this is my go to boot knot now:
I tie my shoes the regular way. Just use a square knot on boots. If you've ever gotten a shoelace bow caught on a bolt 40' up a pole it's .