My neighbor wanted some help cutting some trees. One in particular I consider a "hazardous" tree. It's a 21" box elder with about 45 degrees on lean, a split in it and some rot. I put in a shallow face, and used the "T" cut on both sides. I chained the trunk in the event of a barberchair. As I finished the "T" the tree set down slightly before touching the back of it. Once I started on the back cut, 4" into it the tree broke on the hinge and came down without barberchairing. I am not saying I am by any means an expert, but this tree needed a plan. My neighbor was going to go after it with his Sears Craftsman saw. He had never heard of a barberchair. BTW, as I was about to make the back cut, a biker drove under the tree which was hanging over the road. Maybe I am not to smart a guy but If was one the road, saw some rube with a chainsaw cutting a tree hanging over the road, I wouldn't drive my bicycle under it. Obligatory saw pics, all carnage inflicted with 357 and 346.
Thank goodness that you had the good sense to scope the job out and carry it out safely. The bicycle guy was the added minute percentage of stupidity that is in every job.
Yep, that's about it. If that were me, and the tree landed on the bicyclist, I would call 911. It would go a little something like this.... ” hello, 911 please state your emergency " " yeah, some dumba$$ rode his bicycle under a falling tree and now he's stuck"
Maybe, just maybe, the bicyclist saw the debris on the road on the return trip and did a little figuring? Naw, probably not...
I see the cyclist in the first photo. Nice job on the tree. Who gets the firewood you our your neighbor?
Neighbor who brought a skid steer burns it in his OWB. We had a 20 yard roll off container for the brush. The reason we cut this was it was a matter of time, i.e. a storm and this tree would eventually be covering the road. Then the conditions of very early morning or rain and we would have to do the work. A sunny day, good friends and a skid steer made things much easier.
Nice work FB. Funny how oblivious some folks can be and the guy probably didn't even realize he was in any sort of danger
I gotta be honest, if you're felling a tree into the road, you owe the travelers some sort of warning, don't you?
Nice job on the prepping of the base to keep it from splitting under the pressure, FB. As far as the bike guy goes... I've seen enough folks ignore warnings to know it can be futile. The sign biz, by it's very nature, is always around people. We were lifting a 5'x20' elec sign up to a roof for install... we had over a dozen bright orange cones, tape & signs around the lift area. Right as we lifted the sign with the crane and got it about 10' up... these 2 ladies seemed annoyed that they had to walk around our barricades and walked directly through the lift area and under the sign, and into the store... we just couldn't believe it...
"...and that's our right to do that. How dare you inconvenience us......who do you think you are......"
I had two people ready to stop traffic. I hadn't given them the signal yet but was about to when Mr. Dumass comes along. Not that this is an excuse, but this is a dead end road with a Cul De Sac and only 7 houses past the place we were working.