What oil ratio are you running ? I am one of those picture posting 5 gallon ya-hoos, but I posted pics of different oil and am running VP from the can, so I might be burning cleaner gas than you are getting. I don't like H1R's doodoo brown color, don't really know if its why everything looks dirty on my stuff (and yours). One thing I don't really know ....... is that piston top. Does it look salt and pepper speckled when you look at it, or is that from the camera flash/angle ? I can see wear on the piston sides/skirts in your pictures, and appreciate you sharing your actual "in use" saw. It gives food for thought !
I guarantee I am a bigger yahoo. Just trying to learn a thing or two. 32:1 e free. Been switching around between 89 and 93 more recently. Flakey loose salt and pepper. Anywhere it is shiny is the piston. The vast majority; 90%, cleaned off with a wipe down.
That way you are able to wipe it off is calming, but I was hoping to see better wear protection from 32:1 H1R to be honest. I think Hedgerow ran his saw a little longer with Lucas and had less wear in his pics, but fuel quality and tune could be at play too. Thanks for putting these pictures up, I would rather learn from seeing what are actual results from trusted users and fixers as opposed to hearing from the "technically superior experts" that dominate elsewhere. Keep them real world pictures coming please !!!
Gas is generally fresh from the station. How good is it coming out of the pump? Who knows. The tune is up to the saw in this case. Tach lives in the truck for the other saws, but they don't get run like this saw. I ran an 044 for 10 mins. This morning but I don't think it is coming back out today.
I apologise ........... I meant that Hedge was able to adjust his carb slightly rich, we cant do that with Mtronics. The extra fuel could be helping to keep the tops clean
But then you have Mr. Snelling saying the fouling is from being too rich. At the end of the day it is only one data point and it would be cool to see many more.
Mastermind recommended that I run 40:1 with Husky XP oil in my MMWS 460 as that is the oil I like to run. His opinion was that anything lower than that may be too much oil. He seems to like Belray though. I`ve read that it has caused some folks some sinus ussues to arise and I know I am sensitive to Stihl oils and figured Belray may cause the same??
Ya crzybowhunter, I remember Randy recommending 32:1 and no less than 40:1 for the 261c he ported for me. I went 32:1 belray. A little spooge on the muffler, not much after alot run time and it ran good. Expensive oil though. Idk, I just think 50:1 in any saw with most any oil isn't enough. No facts or pics to back that up though.
Yes, he did reccomend that with Belray (32:1), but said anything over 40:1 with the Husky MAY be a little too much.
I'm trying Yamalube 2R right now. It's a thinner oil. I'll use a quart of it before I decide if I like it.
lmao!! Ya Ill stay to the side of saving my cylinders u ported instead of a few seconds in a cut! Whats ur opinion on the piston here? Doesnt look bad to me with that much run time?