Called about a this a little while ago and plan to go check it out in the morning. Guy says it's pristine. He's firm on the price at 375......good, bad, or ugly? He bought it new in '87.
Camera was acting goofy yesterday. Not a good shot, but the gun is in very nice condition. As soon as I can get my hands on a cleaning kit, I'll reclean and check the gas ports. The o-ring looks in good shape. The guy had the rem-choke barrel bored out. He said a friend had it done and was shooting better than him, so he had this one done too. Need to find some shells too. Local store had a nice little box of 5 shells for $5.99. Need a case now. The fun begins.
I plan head to Wally's in a couple days, and see what they have. I'll check Dunham's too, but their prices tend to be on the high side for some things. Any recommendations for an inexpensive case? Cleaning kit?
I find that shotgun bores rarely need cleaned; I haven’t cleaned any of mine in more than 8 years. The action on the other hand does need cleaning, and I just use solvent, gun lube, an old toothbrush, and disposable shop towels. But if you want a kit, anything from Walmart of any other sporting goods store is good enough. And a bore snake will make cleaning the bore a little faster. As far as a case, do you want one for transport or storing? I like soft sided cases for transport, and hard cases to store at home, though I’ve heard some people say that you can to more damage than good by storing them in a case.
Took the gun apart this a.m., and although it's pretty clean outside, it needed a good cleaning internally. I didn't take out the trigger assy, but that looked worse than the rest. The bore isn't super dirty, but I'd like to clean it. Gas ports were pretty clean too. I have no oil or solvent, so I'll look around when I get to Wally's or Dunham's. About the only thing the gun will be used for is target, and otherwise will stay in the house somewhere, so no idea on the case. Transport is my main concern, I'd guess. We have an outdoor range about 2 miles away.
Is the o-ring supposed to be sloppy in the groove? On closer inspection, the o-ring might be slightly cracked, but still pliable. I'll just get a couple new ones.
1100s run great. They are dated but run great it kept clean. They are very natural pointers to me. The gas seal is worth replacing no matter what. You can get a pack of 3for about 5 bucks.
Got a small cleaning kit, and cleaned the gun last night. The mag spring was pretty dirty, as was the tube. Bore had quite a bit of buildup within the first few inches of the receiver.....some is still there. Didn't take out the trigger assy., as I don't have anything to punch out the pins. Stock end of the bolt has some wear that I didn't like, and looks like a nylon insert or something similar.
i love my 1100! harvested my first deer and turkey with mine. well all my turkeys actually. the most frequent comment: "dont ever get rid of it."