To all my forum pals, here is a fun spring contest for you. I have 10 people and two splitters, and five wheel barrows planning to attack the following pile. The hope is to C/S/S all of it one week from today, weather permitting. I will give a $50 FHC Store gift certificate to the closest guess as to how much is in this pile. The following picture shows three angles and some people and gear nearby to give scale. And I can tell you the following details to inform your guesses. 1. The base of the pile is almost square and is 31 by 31 feet. 2. The pile at its highest point is 9 feet 3. The guy on top (me) is 6'1", and the guy (pal) on the ground is also 6'1" 4. Anything 8 inches and diameter and below will be stacked as is, and anything above that will be split. 5. This effort will produce a ton of bark and slivers, and they will not be counted in the measurement. To place a guess, private message me and I will track the guesses. Guess in cords down to two decimal points to avoid ties, i.e. 10.28 cords. Lord willing, on Saturday evening I will post pics of the day and the final measured cordage and announce the winner along with everyone's guess. And remember, this is fun, so your not allowed to beat me up with physics questions and measurement challenges! 128 cubic feet equals one cord and you will have to live with my very best guess! Good luck! Right below my house are my friends hands up in the air, and the split pile in the far back behind him is not included.
I'll just edit it now & then LOL Oops can only edit within a few minutes. Only 1 guess per member ? Dang ! I'll stay with 14.33 , Probably way off anyway. Seem to always be more than it looks when piled up.
Easy Frank. Got to Greg's avatar and click on his name. That will bring up another menu and just click on "State a Conversation." Note, most of us us PM (personal message) the same as the conversation. Most of the forums changed to calling it a conversation but most of us are still hard headed and still use PM.
Ok Greg, now my head hurts, but I'll play along. 11.73 answer. We need pics of the splitting party. Need.
10.28 was truly random. I won't venture a guess so i can remain objective, as the winner will have year long "i know what a cord piled in any format looks like" bragging rights.