We don't have the poison vines like back east ,it does itch ,i think the nickname is 7 minute itch here ,if it get your wrist you have some bumps for a little bit ,but it goes away real fast ,nothing i worry about cutting ,stuff called devils club is worse ,it is 2-3 inches thick and covered in spikes on the vine ,the leaves are spiked too ,It does not rash out like the ivy plants back east though ,I used to live in new england ,poison ivy was horrible when i was a kid .
Well i found out the name of those spikey vines ,they are called nettles ,they give a temporary rash ,it goes away pretty fast ,i think some people make soup or something out of them ,I do not think would want to try that though .
I had nettles for dinner last night, awesome cooked greens in the early spring! TRX, the Devil's Club is a blessing and a curse. Don't ever get it in your eye! The toxin apparently will take an eye out easily, and as you know if you get a thorn it will almost immediately get infected and full of white. The good news is the antidote for it's poison is in the cambium layer of the bark from the recumbent roots where there are no thorns. Just follow the stalk down and there will be a horizontal part under the forest duff before the main root. Peel a bit of that bark and rub it on the sting and it goes away immediately. Not only that, but you can chew that recumbent root bark and it is a great calming agent that purportedly evens out blood sugar levels. It does seem to do that for me, I keep a jar of dried bark and make tea whenever I'm feeling the hungry light headed-ness that low blood sugar brings on in me.
We have em. Got nailed trout fishing last summer. I was paying to much attention to the water and blundered right into a clump. Ended up soaking my legs in the creek for a while.
This is wintertime so leaves are off the devils club ,grows along creek below my house ,second pic can see some salmon going up stream to spawn
Wow, awesome salmon photos! We can't be too far from one another, looks a lot like here. edit: Looking at that photo some more it almost looks like there is a redd right by the near bank. So cool....
That is a branch of salt creek,circled the salmon for those who can not see it ,it is real red from being in the freshwater
If it's the Salt Creek on the North OP, I'm just E of you, or maybe even right down the street! Howdy neighbor!
Got the parts in and got it back together and she runs smooth. Thanks everyone it is nice to get such great friendly input sometimes.