There just so we know. $569 So the other wasnt $150 under retail. Just so you know I didnt find a Triobrake for $529. I was just hoping you would post the price you found to show how easy it was for $569 with b+c. $569 was what I found too. $527 529 539 was regular 550 with b+c. But it worked. By your math Trio should be a $719 saw.
So add this to $530 saw OP posted we got $680 I think NOT Just showed $569 all day. Bet we could beat that with a few PM's.
What is msrp? I have no idea, as I've said before I can buy from a business I would support for $500 plus tax. PHO so I can use my B&C's I have
So your full of crap tonight? $529 550 triobrake with bar
You know that saying waaaaait fooooor it. Well I was stringing it on. I wasnt going to show just because some ask me to.
Thought I would add that I have bought from this company before and it was a fine transaction. The website is very similar to VmInnovations that I also have bought from with good results. If the price fits your budget, awesome I also surfed a few minutes like nmurph and that was the best price I found as he did. Let us know!