,default,pd.html?start=10&cgid=chainsaws Just found this place ^^^. I've only had Stihl saw's and (kinda) know that with the Husky's you want the "XP" model's for a "pro" saw. I'm looking for a smaller saw in this size. Am I right? Price ($530) OK?
No. Those folks sell a LOT of reconditioned items. The warranty table at the bottom of the page would be a huge red flag for me.
I have had good experience with other re-con tools. I look at it like it has been fixed/adjusted by an actual person rather than just coming off the "line" and the purchaser is actual tester. Heck this Mac I'm on was a recon, although I still don't know how to use it. What's this saw retail for? I did not look at the warranty info yet.
You mean dealers are selling for $150 under retail??? I think not. I would be happy with a 90d warranty. Saws usually fail immediately if they are going to do so. One thing to note- the saw they show in the ad is a Trio-Brake model. It's cumbersome and not needed unless you are a dork or it's required for insurance reasons.
You can get new 550 for $450-$500 PHO New to your door 545 was $400 PHO Shop around. Matter fact ask right here. Because there is no sponsor BS here like elsewhere. Snitches dont float either
Wright Brothers in Newark Ohio will sell 545 pho for $400 and 550xp for $500 pho. Plus uncle sugar of course
550xp saws are $530-560 new on Ebay. With bars, chains and warranty, for example:
Bingo Husqvarna Jonsered Ashokan Turf and Timber 845-657-6395 25 years EXP Over 100 saws in stock including most "G" models
But the waters are being muddied here. The saw in the ad is a Tri-Brake with a bar. Others are mentioning PHO saws that I assume are the regular flavor- you've got to compare apples to apples.
I would not recommend the trio-brake saws. I bought a 346xp 2nd ed. with one, for the same price as the regular 346xp, but I hated the brake thing on the back. I sold it pretty fast. My price, they were the same from the local dealer, where I get a good discount.
You have a valid point. IMO a saw with a trio brake would be worth 50% Probably supplied with .325 pitch, which is a waste on a 550xp