You can cut the sleeves off of said t shirt before using it....thus giving you at least a chance of saving your shirt minus the sleeves. A couple of my camo t shirts have came up sleeveless while hunting
One time while huntin' with a buddy that has more money than sense he had to go bad. Asked if I had any paper I said no just use a dollar. He came back with chit all over his hands. Told him man that's disgusting what happened. He replied you think that's bad you should see the 2 quarters, 3 dimes and 4 nickels. Cheap bastage couldn't even use folding money.
One has to keep his priorities and one of those is to always check that you have something for those times.
Long ago when men were bold And paper was not invented, They wiped their πss On a piece of grass, And walked away contented.
As someone who has spent plenty of time in jobsite kybo's over the past 25+ years lemme just say 3 things - 1) You should always check that dispenser before sitting down.In any public bathroom its a good idea actually. 2) Summer is always better than winter to lose a sock (or two) 3) Even better yet if said incident happens in late afternoon rather than early morning.
I don't ask when dear husband comes home from bow hunting or woodcutting in the summer and his t-shirt is missing one or both sleeves