just sittn here drinkin' a miller lite lettn the coals burn down...an da boots dryn fer 2morrow.......hope everyone is havin a great day!
Judged a HRC retriever hunt test in the blizzard this AM. Left my house at about 6AM with ankle deep snow and got home about 1:30PM to almost knee deep snow. The heavy stuff is coming down now. Game sucks so far. Go SeaHawks.
No burning down coals here today, too damm cold out, have to burn hot to keep up. I did enjoy a home brewed Oktoberfest though.
Beautiful soapstone. Love it. Still burning hot here... Will be stocking the stove for the night shortly. Can't take watching much more of this football game.
I like the aquarium. I am this close (see fingers almost pinching together) to getting another aquarium.