I went to Coronado Salvage in Abq, NM today to look around. They have a large pile of painted Unistrut channel, I'm thinking of using this to build a large wood enclosure. The only way I can guarantee nobody helps themselves to my wood is to completely enclose. It's priced at .75 a foot so it's not hoarding cheap.
I'm thinking of using (2) of the 275 gallon totes for end pieces, then framing a large rectangle box with the Unistrut and using small holed mesh that I can weld to the front and back ( removable) for loading. Then top with some type of surplus tin/panels etc.
This depends on how badly they want the wood. Would they just hook onto it with a chain and pull it apart and get the wood? I built a tarp enclosure for around my owb using the crates as side walls and 2x4 laying on top for the roof. Is out of sight out of mind good enough? Buy some cheap paint and spray paint the ends of your wood? Latex of course, just enough to mist the ends? Or do what I do, brand the splits. Weld my initials and other splitter foot has spots welded all over it, easy to see my splits.
I don't see why that wouldn't work. It's not like you get a ton of snow typically so you shouldn't have much weight to worry about roof wise.
Spray the wood with this paint? http://www.flamestop.com/fire-retardant-spray-for-wood.html Good for a laugh anyway.
It's at my shop which is in a group of five other buildings. My building is at the end and opens into a field. This is before the FHC got a hold of me and now.
now i can rest easy. could not figure out who would be stealing wood. makes sense now. uni-strut should work. good luck with the build take pics.
Seems to me if you are a true hoarder like the rest of us, you would dedicate a large portion of that shop to storing wood. I'm sure that would reduce your ability to make a living, but then you would have more time to hoard. Seriously though, I might be inclined to fence in an area like that. They make clamps to assemble galvanized pipe panels that could be portable if you expect to move. String it with galvanized chain link as well as a chain link roof. And then maybe screw in 1x4 treated wood to the piping to hide what's inside. Probably an overkill and expensive, but you could recoup the costs if you ever want to sell the thing.
This is my hobby shop that I lease, the owner is a great guy and plans to build three more buildings East of my end so my play area will be shrinking.
True Branding splits to keep the wood bandits away. If your going to ride with them your going to die with them. (something like that from Lonesome Dove.)