Yup, work smarter not harder. And no such thing as a stupid question or a silly one. You got some good idea from one little question. Now I'm gonna build a dray too. Or two.
Think I found a new use for old crossarms. Don't really need a dray, but it would be an easy project with the kids.
I have a 45hp tractor and trailer, but moving it around is a bit of a chore. I don't have forks, but I wish I did. If you really need the grunt that's a possibility.
Good idea Mike. Wishlist knows how to do it well and can advise you. He's fresh off the task of making one. You know, those things can be so handy for many jobs. One we did not too long ago was to move a deer blind. Works great. You could also easily put sides on and make it into a stoneboat or even something to haul some sand or gravel. Hitch a horse and have some fun!
My friend's wife is Vet and she actually knows a couple who have logging horses with all the tack/equipment for skidding, but, they live way too far away.
Have you had any luck coming up with something for the weekend? Saturdays out for me cause my boy has b-ball midday. No luck with getting a trailer either. If it helps any I might be available Monday or Tuesday early day time.
Jet Jr. Thanks again. BrianK is stopping by with his arch. I'll keep in touch if that doesn't work out.
Ok let me know. My neighbors are butchering hogs next weekend so I might be tied up but if you get in a bind let me know.
Hi Mike, Great to meet you today, and thanks for the beautiful cherry wood for our mantle! Hope the log arch serves you well. We had an uneventful trip home, until we got to the top of Pleasantville Mountain, on Route 56 between Bedford and Johnstown PA. My 18yo son was driving, it was snowing a bit, but the roads were just wet as we approached the 2700ft summit. When we crested the summit it changed to 3-4" of snow on completely snow covered roads (which weren't actually that bad), but one of the worst white outs I've ever seen. Scared the heck outta my son. We got pulled off at a state game lands parking area and I drove home the rest of the way, doing 5-10mph and riding the rumble strip on the berm just so I could tell where the road was.
BrianK good that you made it home ok. We started getting snow and heavy winds around 7:30 last night. Still howling out there. Glad I'm in here nice and toasty. mike bayerl keep us posted on the arch.