That is good of you thewoodlands! Very nice. You are a good man. I'm worried about you sometimes though. When I see sasquatches in your photos. You know. But it's okay friend.
4º Ash, Maple, Elm, and some crappy wood pellets left over from last year, burning in the boiler. (They throw good heat in the boiler though!)
Hit 50 yesterday 29 this morning. Shoulder season I guess. Burning odds and ends, bits and pieces. Inside temp sitting at 68
11 degrees, and both the state and town plow trucks are out pushing the 1" of snow from over night around. National Weather Service has cut our forecast back to 6"-10" today. I can see a yard light 3/4 of a mile away, so it isn't adding up terribly fast yet. Burning down some coals and making coffee.
13 outside 73 inside on last nights burn of ash. stoke the daka with ash. going toblet it burn down today clean out some of the ashes in the stove for some reason the ashes are not falling through the grate. So i will let it burn down scope them out.
We were only supposed to catch 1-3" here from the NE 'blizzard', but it was more like 6-8" overnight here by the lake. So I decided to work from the home office today. 16 degrees outside, 76 inside. Burning a mix of green and white ash.
Woke at 8 to 10 outside, and the house was 71. I had the DV on, expecting a colder night than we had. Turned that off, and made coffee. Took the dogs out and grabbed some firewood off the porch. Did a few dishes that were left from last nights snacks, and remembered I needed to load the stove. It's about 16 right now, and the house is up to over 73 and holding. Due for 28 and sun today, so I'll see how long I can hold off before needing a reload. I know you guys out east were due for a chitstorm of snow....we were due for 8-12" from this afternoon through tomorrow afternoon, but now it's gone from the radar and forecast. WTH?
It was about 2 degrees this morning, we had the same temps in the house. Tonight it will hit - 4 with a realfeel of -29 so we'll be loading up the Liberty with Beech an click on the Pellet Stove.
8º this morning. Ash and some Spruce burning in the boiler. Those crappy Greene Supreme wood pellets that my pellet stove doesn't like burn great in the gasifier Pallet Pete! I have hauled 16 bags from the camp up here and burned one so far. I will haul the remaining 10 and use them while it is cold. A little bit at a time on top of a deep bed of coals with some wood splits on top of them and they heat the boiler up great! And make for good long burn times.
Warmed right up to 0 here this a.m.. Stirred up the coals in both stoves and gave each a small split to wake them up. Will feed em a Beech diet shortly. Comfortable 72 here in the house.
-17 out 68 in Big load of beech and oak to bring temp up some. Have to refill coal buckets today. At these night time temps its hard to get an all nite burn without it .
Low 20s in the morning and mid-upper 20s in the afternoon. Dove into the pallets of Black Locust over the last couple weeks. Some Ash and Hickory mixed in, but 95% is BL.
-4 this morning at 8, and the house is 66. DV has been on since about 11 last night and I'll keep it on for another hour or 2 this morning while the 30 gets the temp up. I have no idea why I did this, but the Oak I'm into right now is split pretty small (almost 1/3 cord), so I'll use that during the day and use a row of Oak on the other side of the shed for overnights. Still have some of the wet-ish frozen Oak that I'm leaving by the stove for a day or so to dry off and then burn. Too much like the days before the shed (DBS). I'll be fully loading the shed later this year, so that doesn't happen again.
Dave, Last two loads I've burned Ash, very dry and split much smaller than I usually split wood. Upside, it puts out a lot of heat very quickly. I get about 2/3 the burn time I get when I use larger splits, but more heat per hour when burning at the same stove temp. So I probably have about half again the surface area that I have with the larger splits....I was cold last evening, got too chilled during an extended period outdoors and just couldn't get comfortable. The load of small ash splits took care of that quickly. I think I'll resplit a small amount of next year's wood to that size, for just such an occasion. Nice to have the variety.
sherwood, the only thing I can think is that maybe I wanted to use this in March or something, because it's right in front of the Maple I have for late March-April. I've been jumping back and forth using wood from both sides of the shed because of the cold, so the "plan" has been derailed a bit.