I'm donating proceeds from the sale of this dray to FHC to the high bidder. This is a one owner and only used 1 time and built to Backwoods Savage specs so you know your getting a quality piece of something! I have copies of emails from Dennis stating his design is patent pending so you could be the lucky one to own this one of a kind dray. If you would like I can arrange for Dennis to sign both pieces. This is his deluxe version designed to go around trees . It will be shipped in the pieces as shown, glue not included nor is any kind of warranty! .......and before you bunch of hoarders ask the 25" x 82" ash log is not included !
Backwoods Savage has that dray, wishlist tried to build it but failed in wishlist picture you can see it broke.
But I built it following Backwoods Savages detailed design? I tried to call him but he won't answer , me think he's embarrassed? I did manage to move the log about 50 ft so low miles on the dray.
Everbody knows that they are designed to be used vertically, obviously user abuse! Maybe he will refund your money for the plans! Gary
Maybe a heavier runner with a little ground clearance for the cross-bunks? Does Dennis' patent allow for them to be formed into a train?