can anybody recommend decent compression tester to use on my saw as well as a vehicle , under $50 would be nice
I really like my lisle. What ever your get make sure it has the Schrader valve in the end of the hose.
I've had this one about 5 years and it has always worked perfect. I have compared it with other testers and got the same readings.
well it work on chainsaws as well as cars and trucks? here is one of the questions asked on Amazon What difference between this kit and OTC 5604 Motorcycle Compression Tester Kit? The spark plug adapters in this kit may not fit into a motorcycle or small engine. This kit is intended for car and truck engines that have bigger plugs. The OTC 5604 Motorcycle Compression Tester Kit are for small engines that have smaller plugs. So if you're testing a car or truck, get this kit. If it's something small like a motorcycle or boat engine or even a lawn mower engine, get the OTC 5604.
My compression tester from Advance Auto had the 10mm adapter for the 550XP/562XP as well as the regular auto ones. The size I use the most is the short reach 14mm for the saws that use the BPMR6A spark plug
The one I linked to works just fine on saws. Every saw I've worked on uses the shorter "standard" 14mm hose, which is included with this kit. I looked up the motorcycle kit, and it doesn't include anything that would make it better for saws. I think the guy who wrote than answer just likes to hear himself talk.
I never use a compression tester , i like to pull the muffler and see what hapend , the next video tell much more
I have this Craftsman kit
Jim didnt we test our comp testers to compare and my cheapie one and yours were dead on same? Been using this one for years from wallyworld.
Jon1270 how are you liking this tester? Mine has gone bad at a hose end and I am needing another one.