What is this, I have an ancestor from the 1800's that joined, but I heard they still exist. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post publicly.
Its a secret I couldn't tell you anything more than you could google up quickly. There are lots of documentaries on the subject. Most are interesting, some seem very far fetched.
Groups are very active. They will help those in need. Very strong brotherhood. My father was a Mason. He kept it very secret and never breathed a word of it to me. I had to research it just to find anything about it.
recently ? my grandfather belonged I asked what he did in there ( I guess we were dropping him off ) and he said it was boy scouts for adults without the camping. Hey I was a little kid at the time I got a little kid answer.
Yes ,we still exist and no its probably not what you think. I just joined couple years ago and wish I had joined back when I was 21.Look up the Grand Lodge in your state online to find a local one to visit.They should be more than happy to talk to you. I found my way there after restarting my son's Demolay chapter,and meeting old friends from my youth who belong to the lodge.So I joined and haven't looked back.Great bunch of guys and lots of stuff to always learn.
I've always been kind of interested in the Masons. One of my buddies grandmother's will still bake cakes and make food for the local chapter sometimes, and her husband has been gone for 20 years. I figure for dedication like that it's got to be something good.
There is so much interesting history attached to the fraternity.The people are great and it's a wonderful group to be associated with.
My old boss was a mason,one heck of a good guy.I have heard a bunch of stuff about the masons there"secrets" and stuff but around here they seem like a good bunch of guys that do a lot for people.
A good friend of mine is a mason. He wont talk about the initiation stuff obviously... But externally they do a lot of charity and community service work. Similar to other fraternal organizations. I remember one requirement he mentioned is they want you to be active in a church. And you have to wear the funny apron
WOW, found out tonight that grandmother born in the 20's was a rainbow. VERY interesting considering she was an orphan.
Through work relationships with customers and people I have gotten to know through time I have been asked to join a few times. In doing some light research, the organization seemed so secret that I didn't feel comfortable being involved with something that I couldn't share with people that were close to me. I hate having secrets and lying to keep the truth to myself.
Thanks!..Thought you meant something else associated with rainbows...couldn't understand how she could be a Grandma too.