Very sorry for your loss and the loss of a mother for the little ones. Hoping in time you will all find peace and happiness again.
Nothing much to add that hasn't been said better. My condolences are sincere. Hard to find "home row" here with this blurred vision. Very sad I am so sorry man.
Good Lord, I'm so very sorry to hear this tragic news. I read most of this thread yesterday and had to stop because this is one of those nightmares that a man has in the back of his head......I cannot begin to describe how much it affects me, my friend. I often will just sit and look at my wife and kids while they sleep, trying to savor every ounce if their being because we just never know what a day will bring..... Matt, you've been with us from our beginning here and we all value your brotherhood here, and believe me when I say that we all love you like family so if you need us, don't hesitate. We all mourn your loss and I will continue to keep you and those children in my prayers.......
Such a sad story to hear from one of the FHC brothers. My condolences on your tragic loss. Prayers sent . Hang in there bro.
Pyroholic, I can only try to imagine your feelings and also the feelings of those children. My heart goes out to all and a prayer has been sent.
I've been reading and appreciating everything. Today has been a small step in the right direction. Tomorrow will bring another.
To hear that a loved one is taken from this earth is never good news. I feel your pain and i understand how hard this for you. So as you morn for her death pick your head up and appreciate her life. For in life there are few people that we truely love and clearly you love her and her kids. That is a gift whether it be from god or from the universe its still a gift love is hard to come by. Celebrate her life. Also take this time to write down good stories because as her kids get older they will want to know who there mom was. I lost my father when 7 and i still have questions. Though i dont know you my heart goes out for your loss.
This makes me sad, sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like you're starting to deal with it, just keep your head up. When you're feeling like it, we can meet up and run some saws to help get you back on track.
Something like this is hard for a person to go through and everybody grieves in their own way and time. If at any time you need help do NOT be afraid to ask for help whether it is a friend,Pastor or professional help. There are many support groups out there also. It was a year after my Dad died before I could come to grips with it. Gary