Been there, done that, and got the t-shirt about 30 years ago. No thanks I will stick with my log splitter. Besides I was never big enouph to swing a hammer like that. I am sure glad people invent ways to do things easier. I could walk everywhere to but I will drive my car.
You dont need to watch the TV or video games no more. You need a wedge, you need a sledge hammer. The old lady says that quote needs ro go on a t-shirt, poster or maybe our crest!
I like that guy. I have seen some of the exercises he refers to. Seems to me some of the workouts nowadays are what people like us do only we are doing something productive.
There are a lot of people everywhere who are doing this cross fit stuff as well. It is good stuff as long as you don't over do it and hurt yourself. I am glad to see people keeping themselves in shape. I have said to some of them before, "If you are looking for some really good exercise and something different, come on out to my house and I will show you a good workout helping me process some firewood." They usually look at me and are like , then I say you can help me move it around in the snow, that is an even better workout. No takers. I like working out too, but I enjoy getting something done while doing it even more.
That's how I do it , but once it's small enough to lift I'm all done beating on it , time for hydraulics
I think I have gotten dumber just watching that imbecile. Two things: Slab off the sides and work toward the middle. He has a 660 Stihl, why not noodle it into manageable pieces. BTW, what's up with the knee pads?
I think he has a vertical splitter hidden somewhere and he doesn't use a milk crate. And beer. He's got beer hidden too, but the cans are probably empty.
I wear shin guards when I hand split due to blow pieces exploding back at me. Maybe the same reason here?