bricks doing the job again this winter. after a 10 minute roaring start we are getting a stove top going from 400 to 600* for several hours. the stove then gradual cools to 250* some 8 hours later. always has enough left overs for a quick restart. splits do not give me as high a temp and length of burn. currently using 7 bricks per burn. twice a day. the current local cost is $4.05/ day at that rate of burn.
Woke at 4AM to a fire half burned down, 64 inside, -18 outside. I get a wicked draft at these temps, which draws more of the heat up the chimney, so, with all my windows, I guess I can't complain about an 80+ degree differential between inside and outside temps and a rapid burn. Stove at 460 degrees, added a few splits to be sure I still had plenty of heat coming off the stove later in the morning; picked up a book and a throw, waited a few minutes, closed the bypass, puttered around a bit and went back to sleep. Got up to 65 degrees, have just added a larger maple split as it is too cold out to let the huge coal bed burn down without a bit of supplemental heat. Stove top at 58-, probe flue temp 500. I may open the air a bit. This is way colder than forecast. Supposed to take the trash out to the gate this morning. Usually enjoy the walk, but this morning my hands are not looking forward to that....
My stove struggles in this cold (-10), the added insulation in the attic makes the house warmer. The oil boiler runs a little. Plenty of sun this week, that really helps.
14 this morning Lodge pole of course. Scored a couple of eastern oak pallets at work yesterday so tonight a little oak. House at a nice 71
10 above. Burning hickory splits from my windfall gift of a couple of months ago. This one was completely dead, and hollow in the middle, so no drying time needed at all. Good good burning wood. And splitting at these Temps requires only that you HOLD the ax, and give the wood a really steely gaze. It just pops open on its own.
Don't even need harsh words? Maybe just take a pic, print it, then put it out by the pile and leave for a while. Come back to all the wood split. Then, I woke up.
Getting cold again tonight. Not as bad as the last two night though. Down to about 7 right now. Low around 0. Ash and some Pine until the big load of the night goes in later. That will be 80% Ash and 20% Maple.
Wow ,went down to 19 below last night was 61 in house in the morning , got it warmed up pretty quick though ,with ash, oak n sugar . Not so bad tonight low 13 above What was your low last night papadave
We went down to about -5 before I went to bed. It was -1 when I got up at about 7. Those are the nights I turn on the DV heater, which helps keep temps even through the house. House had still dropped to 65 by morning. Running that a few nights/month should only bring the gas bill up 20-25 bucks. Better than getting up in the middle of the night and throwing more Oak in the stove.
Good indoor temps considering how cold it is. Mid teen at night here, continuing with the pin oak to get us through.
Last week it was 3 above in am. Burnin red oak and some whit e oak at night. Cherry n red maple during day indoor temps at 68.. this week been warmer teens nght and 30's days.temps at 69 giggity goo alright
We had at least -16 Monday night. That's what it was when I got up. Coldest is usually between 4-6 a.m., so it may have been a little cooler.
Yikes. Colder than I thought this morning. Showing -9 on the back porch right now. I just repacked the boiler with the same mix of 80% Ash and 20% Maple. Boy it is running nicely. I need to shut it down when I have time and it warms back up this weekend. Good cleaning time again.
Wow, woke up to +6f this morning. Was supposed to get down to -14f last night but it never happened. We are supposed to get 2-4" of snow this afternoon and tonight. Re fired this a.m. and both stoves working like champs. Really happy with my burn cycles on this 2 1/2 yo diet of mixed hardwood.
Supposed to be 5, but more likely gonna be 3. Last two may fall by the wayside due to eye trouble....................can't see myself going in for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday, Monday & Tuesday.
this Jan running a lot colder than last year. -3.6 for the first 14 days of the year. that is from the on the water Boston obs. a lot of noise that the rest of the month into Feb gonna be colder than norms. whole lot of heavy burning in front of us. last year Jan 14 averaged less than 2 below norms.(-1.6*) I guess eastern new England can enjoy Sunday's game with mid 40's. watch out for next week as a big high northwest with a big storm northeast of us. 40+ gradient difference means big n-nw winds. gonna hear vortex again?