I cut some red oak today at a local farm where it was felled. The first picture is the loads of downed trees. (Which I will eventually go back and get) I cut for a bit, but didn't feel the best (don't know what it was, but feel fine now), so I only cut around a half cord. These are beautiful rounds that will finish the last of the 3 year plan rack.
I'll post more pics when I unload. Kinda tired. I cut around 12 rounds in about 5 minutes with the 372. Took about 15 minutes to load the truck.....
Those rounds do look very nice, I love the center piece that you usually get out of rounds like that, bright reddish grains...
It is absolutely beautiful wood, but it had to go, and I got it. There is a ton of it left. Heavy chit though. I picked the straightest rounds and closest to the truck!!
Cord of un-seasoned oak is over 5,000 lbs (2-1/2 tons) To bad there's only 1/2 a cord left to get. LOL
Ha Ha Ha... okay Mr. Smarty pants, there's about 6 tons there i'd say. Since I now know the weight of the chit, I might not get too much more. I'm sore just thinking about it now.
Nice straight splits. Stacks nice, straight & level too. Those big rounds are "Heavy stuff" *****Lift with your legs***** or roll them up a 2X ramp, onto the truck.
WS, I was into a stand of Red Oak years ago that were growing like pine- tall and straight, no limbs until the very top. They were about 24" DBH. I had to haul them a few miles, so I took my maul and busted them in half and stacked them in the truck to min the trips. Easy splitting and they stack tight and weigh half as much
Bring the maul for the haul, get them all, small or long and tall. Come on ya'll and build a wall, it'll be a ball. Don't build it to tall or it'll fall. Best height for you will be your call.