We're almost at our projected low of 0....it's 1 out right now. Must be some wind out there, because the "real feel" is about -15 and due to be -25. All I know, is that it's pretty cold out, and I have a nice toasty warm house.
I was outside bringing up a buggy full of wood today and I had to thaw my fingers out on the stove. 5 right now, low 2 going up to 8 tomorrow
Heat wave here, 14 degree last I looked. Right about now is when I usually start getting calls "if I know anyone with some good seasoned firewood for sale"
10 right now it was 14 an hour ago when I got home, gonna be really cold at 5am loading my trailer for Thursday's run.
8° here and looking at -15° by the morning with the wind chill. They have closed most schools in the area for tomorrow. 78° in my house though....
You guy's are getting hammered west of the Rockies, blue sky and sunshine this afternoon temp was in upper 40's, suppose to get down to mid 30's tonight, guess I'll through a couple extra logs on the fire. we are well above our normal temps
It's pleasant here, fore-casted to stay this way until Monday. 30's and 40's for the high temps. You folk's out East, stay warm.