I figured last Friday that would be our last day for cutting wood for quite a while. For sure! We had snow, then rain/freezing rain, then rain then snow then more snow. All in all there isn't that much snow on the ground but at 5 degrees it is hard to get out to cut any wood. I did load up the wood rack that is on the porch. All oak now. And I looked as I was coming to the house and it was 5 degrees. I think our high was 8 today. Sounds like it might be a good night for cuddling.
Sounds like you're all set, that cold is headed our way Tuesday night - Wed morning. At least it will freeze the mud so maybe I can get some logs dragged out.
Funny when I was scheduled for a steroid shot for a disc issue in late September a few years ago and the anesthetist was bowed up giving epidurals all afternoon pushing my appointment back further the nurses all looked at me cross eyed when I stated something about the cold snap in the previous January
5 degrees? Above zero? Thats sweater weather here! T'was a balmy -20 on sunday and I was dropping dead tamaracks out back. Had to bring my saw inside for it to start easier.