23ยบ here this morning. Some Ash and Spruce burning in the boiler. I cleaned the Ash pan out Saturday, now it is time to clean the tubes of the boiler out. I will do that today some time. About a 15 minute job.
Sitting @ 10 this morning supposed to be a noticeable wind chill here later today also. Dropping down below 0 tonight. Ole' Betty sucking on some maple and oak. Probably also fire up Lil' Brother later today if the wind chill continues.
Weather forecast all day and night yesterday was cold but zero possibility of precip until Thursday. So I left the stacks uncovered. Midnight, beautiful clear sky, amazing stars, and snowing! We had about half an inch. Never seen snow with such a cloudless starry sky before. As loon said, colder this morning and staying that way for a while. Toasty in here...still 72 degrees, stove still over 300. Will be adding sugar maple soon .
Hi sherwood it would be great if you could update your profile so we know where you're from.. I for one would like to know where it's cold or snowing right now Thanks! Ray
Ok I will try this again. About 6 degrees this morning spittin a little snow. Burning Pine and Cottonwood right now and then at bed time I will put some Elm in. I do not have a lot of hardwood so I have to save it for the long burn times.
Stoves loaded with fir for the night. -5 f with a -18 WC headed down to -16 tonight. The fan will be running tonight and will put a split or two in the morning. This will keep it going until the normal evening reload.
32 now according to my acurite, suppose to get down to lower 20's overnight. Burning Doug Fir, living room is at 74, bedrooms are in the 70's
It's 8 degrees F now with 7 mph wind. I loaded the stove with four splits at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Meant to reload before going to bed since the temp was supposed to drop overnight. Fell asleep on the sofa sometime after midnight, so the stove didn't get loaded, nor did the air get opened to burn down coals. Woke at 3 ish to a cooling house and large coal bed. So loaded the stove with two maple splits to do me until a reload at 8 AM or so.
14 degrees here... Suppose to hit 18 today. Loaded up with a 5" round of Hedge (first time with a big round like that, kinda of curious how it will burn. Plus, got some honey locust and Mulberry rolling too. About time we get some seasonal weather.
-4f here this a.m.. Woke up to a good bed of coals in each stove after loading them both up @ 9 last night. 71 in the house. Just fed a couple of maple splits to both stoves........
At 830 I put on 2 big rounds (6"-7") of 3yr old Shagbark.Then one large split of 10 month old Green Ash at 1030.10 degrees outside with strong NW gusts. Woke up at 5,just a handful of shagbark coals left,3/4ths of the Ash was intact.Handful of kindling,cherry shavings,couple small mulberry sticks & its blazing once again. 5 degrees outside,-7 windchill & will probably drop another 2-3 degrees at sunrise. Still 74 in here though....
Last night at 8PM loaded stove with beech, cherry, poplar and oak temperature down to 20.7 degrees at 7AM. Eleven hours later woke to 67 degrees at living room wall. Large bed of coals reloaded with cherry, beech and oak and she will be good until 7PM no problem.
Right at 10 here. A full load burned through the boiler last night in about 9 hours. Loaded back up with Ash.