Most wood in San Diego is burned outside while campfire drinking. But no its not 80 degrees year round its 72/75, the best temperatures in the United States
When I lived there it was fantastic weather...... If there where not so many financial reasons to stay away I would have never left.... It was 65 to 70f all the time with the ocean breeze and man was it just beautiful. I truly miss that city! And I ain't a city lover.........
Vacationed in San Diego a few years back. Amazing city. Probably the easiest weather forecasting gig anywhere. "Today were expecting sunny and 75f". Can that forecast and recycle. Actually I remember them giving three different local forecast. One for the coast, one for the mountains, and another for the dessert area. And I agree Pete. As a lifelong crowd and congestion avoider, I generally avoid most cities like the plague. Something "special" about San Diego. Best food we ate there wasn't in a fancy restaurant. Walking the beach, kept smelling something AMAZING in the air. Realized it was wafting from a little bait shack. Older Mexican gal was whooping up tacos and nachos on the boardwalk. Cost less to eat than the parking. Best Mexican food I ever ate.
Mmmmm. Pizza. I a Pizzaholic. But yesterday I cooked a large breakfast for all of us and my in-laws. Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and English Muffins. Had a very light lunch, and then dinner at the in-laws. Wow, she cooked a roast beast, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, bread, tossed salad. I couldn't move after that.
It is nice out there but a little cooler close to the coast, La Jolla , when you go inland It's a lot warmer Actually I found out last night,daughter did burn some wood yesterday in her fireplace for ambiance
It's $15.99 for a 30 pack here! And way batter than Busch, bud, miller etc. only cheap beer I'll touch the rest is craft beer, higher end stuff or HomeBrew beers. Budweiser not only tastes bad it smells horrendous! Let the beer war begin!
I'm with you on the buttwiper that stuff is nasty as is just about everything else from them. I do enjoy a PBR on occasion but have been getting into IPAs big time lately.
Guinness is making a blonde lager. I don't care for their signature stout, it just seems like drinking flat beer to me. Their lager is pretty good