Has anybody put a bigger jug and piston in a 029 sthil? Haven't really gotten into building a saw up yet only thing I have done is install new rings and muffler mod. Runs good but as mister Allen says we need more power
I like my woodsman case and keep my 361 in it, my problem is i am going to put a 25" bar on my 362c-m and the case's sheath/scabbard will only support a 20" bar, i wish they made them longer
Don't let these guys yank your chain. There are a few options to upgrade your 029 but parts from a 362 isn't one of them. Be on the lookout for a jug from an 039 or MS390. 49mm instead of the 46mm jug your 029 has now and it should wake it up nicely moving from 54cc up to 64cc. It's a bolt on upgrade too.
The new bar scabbards are longer. Maybe ditch the snout of your woodsman, and just use a scabbard? I'm not a case guy.
Xskier, whats up with the husky xp?! thats sacriligious right there nah, 550xp or ??? Nice collection
Thanks master that's the answer I was looking for. I've built some nasty stroker SBC s. Now getting into small engines. My father in law gave me this 029 so I'm just playing around with it. EBay has many different motors. Was wondering what I could replace the 029 motor with. Guess well start with he 039
Ya sorry for the hijack, alot good info here. Most any question asked will get you where you need to be here. Good luck with the 029.
MM hit the nail on the head. One thing to add though; you don't have anything to worry about with the pistons, but you do need to keep an eye out for one thing when shopping for jugs. The later MS390 saws came with a decompression valve which requires the appropriate top cover to accommodate it. I'm almost certain the later jug will still fit fine under the cover of your saw, but you'll need to plug the decomp hole. I have no idea if there is any performance difference between the earlier 390 jugs and the later ones? I'm guessing there isn't, but it may be worth looking into because it seems a little bit of port/transfer timing change can make quite a difference in performance!
Cool better start looking at cylinder kits then. I would have never thought about the decomp valve. $ooline its all cool I don't care about hijack
The valve will fit under the cover with room to spare. The plugs are cheap if you want to eliminate the valve entirely.
Thanks for the correction on that MM. I try to be diligent about not stating anything as fact that I have never verified myself, but I got that tidbit from a Stihl mechanic awhile back when were were discussing the 1127 series saws. I guess that's a good lesson on verifying things firsthand...
I only know because I just did a 390 with the solid cover and a new aftermarket top end. It's no fun swapping the valve for a plug with the top cover/handle on either.
If you can find a good used OEM top end then I'd go that route. Gotta keep your eyes peeled tho as this is a well known and common conversion. The aftermarket top ends are ok, I've used a couple different ones now. Here is the last one I did.