The question was a purposeful thread derail Winner! you don't get two guesses shoot me a PM if you want the chains
Thanks but no staff are not indulging it's for members as it should be... We wouldn't be here without all of you guys. It's a way to say thanks..... But thanks! I was really just making a point or I think I was lol. It was probably a dull point. Now what about this BEEEERRR!
I'm offering up an assortment of wood for grilling/smoking. There are two cherry planks (12" long), two oak planks (12" long) and a handful of small apple rounds that can be added to the grill/smoker. Soak 'em for a while, and they are ready to go. The planks were milled from a sawyer from local trees. Let me know if you want them and send me a pm. I'll pay shipping in a flat rate box. This is a great thread you have going on here. I hope this can go to someone who does not have these species available to them and wants to try them out.
Can't edit original post but the Stihl Chains are gone That sweet Poulan bar and two chains are still available...maybe I need to change the question?....make it beer related?
I want to jump on this bandwagon. I'll do some garage inventory soon. Got some cool stuff I'm sure somebody could use.
Shipping's on me. Ok hoarders. I have one brand spankin' new pure polaris drive belt. Never been on a sled. Was spare for my old lady's xcf440 but that one is long gone. Polaris part number 3211080. Do your homework, fits a lot of sleds. First one to correctly fill in the blank: Winner winner _______ dinner. Hint: It's a fowl word lol. Everyone welcome to take educated guesses
I have this NIB 18" Oregon chain. It was the wrong one for my saw. If you can guess the specs, you can have it... Shipping on me of course. Merry Christmas!
Not being an Indian giver(that's probably not PC) These chains won't work for Shawn Curry. They're .325 drive and finding a rim sprocket and clutch drum isn't working out So the bar and chains are available again Poulan 20" .050 green power match - MADE IN THE USA!!! Will fit small mount Husqvarna(tested on the POS 141) Comes with two Oregon 20" .050 .325 chains (33 stamped on drive link) they aren't sharp currently but should be after I get a new file.
Have to get more members involved in this thread. Admin/mods any ideas? That huge banner on the home page just ain't cuttin' it lol. Also, I just re-read my post and to clarify it's the sled that's long gone not my old lady. Man I sure miss that little ditch banger