Since everyone has been burning away in this cold snap had to work off my Turkey dinner from last night. Cold broke here ~11am climbed up to 52 with a stiff breeze, but I didn't break a sweat. A bit nicer than putting up wood when it's 92F and 50% humidity. 6-1/2' high - hopefully the stack holds until 2017/18
Nice stack of oak ! Looks like a nice day too, the cold spell should finish off the leaves. 50° temps are much better to process wood in than the 90°s Earthquake
Left most corner of bricks gave way under the weight, I restacked it out on 3 sets of 8' timbers instead of 2
'Twas perfect day for processing wood. The leaves are taking a good hit, never seen the woods this open this time of year. Should make things easier to see when gun season opens Saturday
Nice looking stack. I had a stack of red oak that met the same fate as your white. Couldn't help but laugh when I walked outside next morning
I just sat on the front stoop with a cold beer and marveled at my neat laid over stack I live by the "IT IS WHAT IT IS" mentality - can't change it post incident, just restack and move on