A Co-worker has a bud that lives in Vermont. He just had to show the factory pellet nut what his bud did! They installed a pellet burner on there boiler. I guess Vermont is a lil more green then some area's. I didn't think a solid fuel system could be used as primary. In the pic's you'll see its all he has now. The oil fired burner was discarded. He's got a bulk hopper and gets most of his fuel from Vermont wood pellets. But grabbed so cheap boxstore stuff as buck up in case he can't get a delivery. Burner is made by pellenergy.
Sweet setup. I'd love to get a pellet boiler spliced into my system and be able to run the baseboard heating/hot water off it.
The solid fuel as a primary depends upon the mortgage and homeowner insurance underwriters. It isn't a legal requirement that is in the way.
I don't think I could do this because of those 2 factors. But by the sound of it, He didn't have any issues with either. Maybe due to Vermont pushing green energy, Where other area's(states) stuck in gas/oil/propane land? What I mean is if CT decided to push green energy, It might be easier for its residents to do something like this. Currently, You'd only be able to use a pellet boiler as secondary. Keeping one of the other 3(gas/oil/pro) as primary due to insurance/mortgage constraints.
Looks like he got something like this. http://www.pellergy.com/wood-pellet-burner-pb-1525/ Looks like they have a ton of dealers in VT.
I have nothing holding me back, but selling the place later on could be problematic. My days of mortgages are long over. Lots of folks don't look at things from as many angles as possible.
It does seem more sensible to have a sister system, But economically just converting the current system could save a few nickle's. My case I have electric baseboard as primary. So adding a stand alone pellet forced air system would be a secondary. And shouldn't deduct anything from resale, Might actually add more as we all look to be green down the road a piece. My hodge podge bucket a bolts isn't gonna fly much anyway. All I know is when I get old(don't say it!), I could get used to a less touch form of heating!
Looks like one heck of an investment. Looks good but I think I would have attempted to work in two freestanders into the mix instead of the boiler set up, just my $.02. Eric
The home owner recieved some sort of grant and they got one heck of a deal from what I was told. They only upgraded the burner and the boiler is not that old. They wanted totally off the dino juice. They also have a pellet stove on the main floor. But the boiler is doing so well they may sell it.