Funny you post some Bird today, My wife and I were listening to his last night. We went to see him not long ago in Chicago. We were there for a Nurse's convention and he happen to be a the Chicago Theater. love this song.
Yes indeed, i watched when Chomeo went over and did some stuff. That was a good remake of Family Man. The Chromeo dude with the talkbox gave that song a different feel. Darryl is the man.
I am not, I am have been in IT for the past 20 years but now I am home. Left the company and now i am home with the kids. I have a part time job for incidentals and will start looking for work in January. I needed to leave that company, it was literally killing me.
That's not a good thing you need to be happy Here's a group you might like ,I do I know I posted one of there songs here before .
Yea Will I was working 15-16 hour days and commuting into White Plains so on top of the crazy hours I was spending 15 hours a week commuting. Thank God for Per Diem work for nurses. Not worth it man, I landed in the hospital twice in one year for serious ailments which can be attributed to stress. (by the way, any minute after 8 hours a day was not paid, I was an exempt employee). That band is pretty jazzy. havent heard of them before, they are really good. i love jam bands. My all time favorite band is DMB, I have been to 6 of their concerts and each time is better than the last. Highly recommend one of their live shows, they usually perform once a year in this area, up on Bethel Woods up in Woodstock. Saw them at Randalls Island and it wasnt the same.
Working that many hours and not being compensated ain't right glad you got out your family needs you to be there for them I never seen DMB , but would like too
Caught on to DMB early on in NC before the Crash success. Saw him live and I was the only one out of the group who had heard of him or got the improv jazz jam stuff. Oh well. I enjoyed myself.
Me was up at 0200 hrs. on the job @0330 hrs. Nothing wrong with a little head banger music to get your head right
Neil's new album is 2 discs 10 new songs 1st disc Neil solo 2nd disc same songs with Big Band or an Orchestra enjoy