Not bad. But they need a muff mod and a good chain. The chain that comes with them is garbage. For under $60, they are not a bad saw.
When you could get them for $50 or less, what a deal! Tinker a bit, and they would run pretty decent. They are built with a split-case design so they are VERY mod friendly. I did some mild port work to one and was out-cutting a stock 025. Now, at $150+, you get a saw that requires tinkering to get decent performance from, cuts slower than a Stihl MS170 for about the same money, and has next to nothing for dealer/mfg support.
Here's my puny saw. I need Hans and Fronz to pump this thing up to a 461 around Christmas time. I suppose it does the job for the most part.. She's a good little saw..
Set up a little better. This saw runs a lot like an 026/260...but stronger. I almost bought a ported version of this a while ago. Wish I had! Factory spec is 13,000 rpm. I think that is conservative. It's got great torque. Built really well.
Thats a big tree for a 170. Must of took forever!! I hope your not buying log loads of sweetgun Bet that big thing was a beast to split.
No not buying. Got it from a tree crew working across the street and got my foot in the door for quite a fee loads of oak, beech, elm and maple. This was the worst splitting gum I've had, worse than gum usually is. I'll get some pics of some of the splits but those rounds made a hydraulic splitter groan
Thats what I am talking about...I know u didnt use a maul!! I know you can stick a hydro splitter in those! I have noodles the sweet gum I have had that size.
I've split a couple cords of gun by hand, but have no desire to do anymore. Probably my least favorite wood
Old saw was a Poulan 4000, 64cc's. I had this saw for over twenty years and while it wasn't perfect, it was a pretty damm good saw. I had a furry helper for a couple of years but she was lazy.