Yes. I stopped growing it. The plant is similar to mint. NZ will take over the yard once it is established. I'm glad it is working for you though.
It sure is. In fact it's starting to spread into my neighbors yards and crowd out their weeds. My neighbors don't take any care at all of their yards and have nothing but weeds and dandelions which spread back into my yard and become a constant battle. If I have to pull weeds in the spring I much prefer it be something I can harvest and feed my family. If only all my garden vegetables were so prolific and self sufficient. Maybe your problem was you just didn't have enough recipes for spinach?
That's right. And it's especially true with regard to letting it reseed itself. I've tried letting many other types of leafy vegetables reseed themselves and only had limited success because they are specially hybrid to not bolt, usually by the second year or so they revert back to their original easily bolting form.
Still no killing frost here. Impatients and other tender one still looking good. I've given up taking care of them.
Got the first wave of frost this weekend. A couple of hot days here then back to cold again. I am going to try to overwinter 4 plants this year.
Temps got into the 30's and nipped the sweet potatoes. Turns out I should have pulled them a bit earlier. Several of them were cracked. We had a GIANT sweet potato too!
It is a mix from Southern States, mostly turnips both leaf and bulb varieties, kale, and rape. So I will also get turnips for roasting this fall and winter. I have been eating some sauteed almost every evening now while in is young, and picked a couple trash bags full for friends and a day or two later you can't tell I have been in there.
I love raw turnips. I put some in this year, I have been eating the greens a couple of times a week, I won't eat the kale until the 1st frost, which should be next week.
Anyone growing indoors? I have an eggplant, tomato, and pepper. I may bring in a couple of the herbs. The eggplant seems to be producing. Much slower growth as I expected. A couple of my outdoor strawberries are coming back to life with this warm up. Maybe I can get a couple snackers from them.
peppers are supposed to be perennials when grown at the equator maybe there will be more ? might need supplemental light never tried bringing a pepper indoors. I grew italian peppers this last Summer. Thinner walls were kinda nice for long skinny stuffed peppers but I like bell peppers better for freezing.
I have a couple grow lights for the plants. They may not produce but at least I will have them around until Spring.
Well, I just came across this thread again. since it's snowing outside I guess there is nothing better to do that let it snow and complain about it. My garden was doing great this year and tghe tomatoes were doing gangbusters.. in July they looked like they were on steroids. Big, robust and very healthy! Then, in Mid July the wife and I did a one week trip out to Cincinatti Ohio to see a couple of away Red Sox games. It rained big that week a couple times, so we figured we'd be okay as far as watering them was concerned. But we came back to very unhealthy plants. The had this rot all over them and both the fruit and the stems were getting this brown fungus. For a long time I thought I had the worlds worst case of blossom end rot, but then, searching the interent I came across pictures of exactly what I had. Heres some liinks to it. Anyone else in the Northeast had this? I've been told Walmart sent a bunch of tomatoe plant flats up from down south and it has spread across the noetheast like wild fire. Carried as spores on the wind it spreads easily. It's simply called Late Blight. I'm worried that I'll get it again next year too. After all that work it ruined 90% of my crop. Didn't seem to hurt other plants, just the tomatoes. Some really good gardners out here, so I hope you can help me? Interesting slide presentation here. Looks like it is rampant in the Northeast.